ViewWith the ever increasing cost of traditional fossil fuels nowadays, adopting renewable energy in South Africa has never been more evident.
Besides high prices, why now is renewable energy in South Africa being explored. Well starting off, renewable energy in South Africa and world-wide is a clean energy source which can be stimulated for an unlimited time frame, unlike energy sources which are generated through fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. At some point, fossil fuels will be exhausted. What makes the majority of renewable energy sources clean is that they don’t emit any greenhouse gasses and with constantly improved uses, are becoming more and more accepting world-wide. The unfriendly attribute of fossil fuels is that these energy sources generate greenhouse gasses which cause rising temperatures and climate changes.
Renewable energy can best be described as energy generated from naturally replenished sources on a human timescale, for example sunlight, wind, water etc.
CA Engineering ( is our engineering department here at CA Global Headhunters. CA Engineering has been an essential part of the company’s existence and growth. Throughout the blog articles we will look at each method separately; what has been done about it and what can be done to accelerate and implement each method effectively. Essentially, we will tackle each renewable energy method, its pros and cons.
I’m thinking who better knows the industry than the people directly involved in it, whichever aspect of engineering you might be in. To get us going we will explore the world of renewable energy in South Africa, what it is, what it means for engineers and fellow South Africans. We will review types of Renewable Energy there are and which ones would be more feasible for our climate and topography. We will look at what has been done to date, good and the bad! What can be done and what are the best ways to move forward.
Please share with us the engineering developments that are happening in your region (even if outside of Africa), opportunities and threats. Your thoughts and opinion always matter to us here at the CA Global Group.
View our latest renewable energy jobs in Africa