Engineering skills are always in demand throughout the world. In South Africa particularly, engineering courses can provide great employment opportunities.
Here are 5 in-demand technical engineering jobs in South Africa, and how much they pay:
Considering the increasing demand for energy, electricians are becoming more and more important in South Africa. Electrical engineering tops the National Scarce Skills List, and this high-growth sector offers an abundance of job opportunities. Eskom is considered the top employer for skilled workers in South Africa, but there are also private sectors and small businesses always in need of these skilled workers.
An Electrician earns an average salary of R224, 919 per year and up to R382, 117 according to Payscale. Depending on your areas of specialization, electricians might have a host of tasks. In order to become a certified electrical contractor, you need to complete an electrical contractor apprenticeship and pass a Trade Test. Places to study in South Africa include: Protech Training, University of Cape Town, MCD Training Centre, and Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
Fitter and turner
Public infrastructure development is imperative in South Africa. As such, there has been a greater call for qualified fitter and turners. Fitters and turners are highly skilled craftspeople who manufacture, construct, assemble and fit components for machinery, vehicles, installations and other apparatus or articles. Fitter and turners are also responsible for the maintenance and repair of such equipment. A fitter and turner earns an average salary of R228, 507 per year and up to R412, 013 according to Payscale. To become a qualified fitter and turner you have to pass a trade test at a national trade test centre that is accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). All national trade test centres are quality assured and recommended for accreditation by the NAMB. You should also complete an apprenticeship/learnership. Courses are offered at CollegeSA, the Shukela Training Sector, and INTEC College.
Motor mechanic (diesel or petrol)
Mechanical engineering is third on the list of National Scarce Skills in South Africa. Considering our reliance on transport in today’s society, mechanical engineering is becoming increasingly important. A petrol mechanic, or automotive service mechanics, repairs various vehicles like cars and trucks that have broken down or that need to be maintained. Diesel mechanic jobs are a bit different as these type of mechanics strictly work on diesel engines of large vehicles like trucks, busses and even construction equipment like bulldozers or cranes. To qualify as a mechanic, one can complete a 4 year-apprenticeship, a three year learnership at a registered training provider, or study at an FET college offering the specific engineering course. Courses are available at Oxbridge Academy, Northlink College, and College of Cape Town.
An Automobile Mechanic earns an average salary of R118, 644 per year and up to R219, 470 according to Payscale. The average pay for a Diesel Mechanic is R221, 868 per year, going up to R381, 44.
Millwright and boilermaker
Qualified millwrights and boilermakers have important roles to play in the broader industrial engineering industry. Millwrights are artisans who repair, install, reassemble and move machines into factories, construction sites, and power plants. Boilermakers are specialised welders who are trained to produce steel fabrications from plates and sections. They work on projects as diverse as blast furnace, bridges or construction of mining equipment. Studies/learnerships can be completed at Artisan Development Academy, College of South Africa, and SASA.
A Millwright in Johannesburg earns an average salary of R301, 647 per year and up to R462, 861 according to Payscale.
Engineering technologist:
An engineering technologist is a professional trained in certain aspects of development and implementation of a respective area of technology. As society becomes more technologically focused, the demand for engineering technologists also rises. Working in two of the most in-demand fields in South Africa, energy and mechanical engineering technologists are especially well-paid. To qualify, a bTech is strongly advised. Studies can be completed at CPUT, DUT, and VUT. An engineering technologist earns an average salary of R295, 225 per year and up to R575, 784 according to Payscale.
Interested in working in the engineering field? Check out our available jobs!